Picking Up a Little Extra Change

Jan 7, 2007

Tony Cousineau used to do a lot of sports betting, but these days he just mostly watches. Of course, some times we slip back into our old habits.

When Tony saw the match-ups in the New England and Indianapolis games, he thought there was no way either team would lose. To that end, he dipped into his bankroll to make a couple of small bets.

Tony bet $32,000 on New England to win $10,000, then bet $40,000 on Indy to win $10,000. Needless to say, he’s been on pins and needles for the last two days. With the Pats and Colts taking their respective games, he’s obviously feeling a litle relieved. He’s going to quit while he’s ahead.

“I’m putting the money back in my cubbie” he laughed, working his way toards even more money here. With 240 left, he’s got T90,000. Making a little money in the tournament would be nice capper to one heck of a good betting weekend.

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