Francis Thomas Doubles Through Ram Vaswani

Nov 19, 2014

Francis Thomas opens to 1,500 in early position, Ram Vaswani calls from the small blind, and Jon Spinks does the same in the big blind.

Flop: Qspade 6club 3club

The action checks to the short stacked Thomas who bets 2,500 (leaving 4,757 behind), Vaswani puts him all-in, and Spinks folds.


Thomas: Kspade Kclub
Vaswani: Aclub Jclub

Vaswani is behind, but he has plenty of outs.

The turn is the 5heart, the river 2spade, and Thomas manages to sneak his hand past the finish line.

Thomas ~ 18,000
Vaswani ~ 8,800

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