Big Pot For Lakemeier

Mar 14, 2015

A German colleague shared with us a big hand that involved Jens Lakemeier and Josef Gulas.

Lakemeier raised to 4,500 and Gulas three-bet to 11,000 to start things off. The action was then back on Lakemeier who four-bet to 23,000 and Gulas made the call.

The flop brought out 3heart7diamondTspade and Gulas called a bet of 16,000. The turn was the Jdiamond and Lakemeier bet 26,000 and Gulas called with just 45,000 left behind.

The river brought the Aheart and Lakemeier checked after tanking for a bit and Gulas moved all in.

Lakemeier sighed and tanked for a while before saying, “You have nines….hopefully,” and making the call by tossing in a single 100 chip.

Gulas showed AdiamondTdiamond and Lakemeier slammed his KspadeKdiamond onto the table in frustration.

Gulas – 225,000
Lakemeier – 150,000

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