Justin Bailey Out in 5th Place ($12,185)

Nov 23, 2015

Justin Bailey

Three players enter a pot preflop for the 80,000 prize of admission and the first three cards are dealt Heart 10Heart 4Spade 4. Darrel Dier bets 165,000 under the gun and Justin Bailey raises to 330,000 on the button. Dann Turner folds on the small blind and the remaining two players reveal their hands.

Dier: Heart KHeart J
Bailey: Club QSpade 10

Turn and River: Heart 8Spade 3

Bailey is eliminated in fifth place, good for $12,185, and Dier is up to 2 million after the hand.

Darrel Dier – 2,000,000
Justin Bailey – Eliminated in 5th Place ($12,185)

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