Nathan Bjerno Doubles Up

Feb 26, 2017

Nathan Bjerno

Shawn Busse reraises to 8,500 from the button preflop, and the small blind reraises all in. Nathan Bjerno (pictured) calls all in for over 20,000 under the gun after originally raising to open the pot under the gun. Action is back on Busse and he tanks for a while before folding. The two remaining players then reveal their cards.

Bjerno: Diamond ASpade A
Small Blind: Heart ADiamond K

Board: Heart KDiamond 4Heart 3Club 5Club 7

Bjerno wins the hand to grow his stack to 53,500 and his opponent is down to 63,000. Busse holds 140,000 on the cutoff after the hand.

Nathan Bjerno – 53,500 (33 bb)
Shawn Busse – 140,000 (87 bb)

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