Joey Brown Eliminated in 86th Place ($6,962)

Aug 6, 2017

A player in early position raises to 16,000, Bryan Campabello calls from middle position, TK Miles calls from the hijack, Joey Brown calls from the button, and the player in the big blind calls.

The flop comes down Spade JClub 7Spade 6 and action checks to the initial raiser who continues for 28,000. Campanello raises to 65,000, Miles folds, Brown reraises to 155,000, the big blind folds, the intial raiser folds, Campanello reraises all in, and Brown calls all in for about 380,000.

Campanello: Spade 7Heart 7
Brown: Heart 6Diamond 6

Campanello leads with the better set and holds up through the Diamond 5 turn and Club 4 river.

Bryan Campanello – 1,000,000
Joey Brown – Eliminated in 86th Place ($6,962)

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