Big Flop Helps Mendes Double

Nov 9, 2014

Daiane Mendes opens for 30,000 from the hijack seat, then watches the table fold to Imelda Cisnero who reraises all in from the big blind. Mendes tanks for a couple of minutes, then finally calls. Mendes shows [8h][8c] and Cisnero [As][Kh].

The flop comes [6c][8d][6d], giving Mendes a full house and causing her to rise from her seat excitedly. The turn is the [Ac] and Cisnero can still draw out to win, but the river is the [Qd] and Mendes doubles. She hugs the player to her left, then Scott Lushing, too, at the next table, as the chips are pushed her way.

Daiane Mendes Doubles

Returning to the table, Mendes apologizes to Cisnero, but Cisnero is not bothered. "No problem," she says with a smile. "Play your game."

Mendes is up to about 440,000 now while Cisnero goes down to about 80,000.

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