Jul 9, 2014
On a [5c7c3d] flop, significant three-way action breaks out.
It begins with Luis Nargentino moving all in for 1.565 million, and Alessio Fratti does the same in the next seat over for 1.85 million. Kareem Marshall is the last to act, and he takes a couple minutes to think before making the call on the button with his big stack.
Nargentino: [Ac8c] (flush draw)
Fratti: [5h5d] (set of fives)
Marshall: [As7s] (pair of sevens)
The turn is the [Ts], a blank, but the river [9c] gives Nargentino the flush and the triple up.
Fratti is crippled down to just 570,000 chips (6 bb).
Nargentino – 4,820,000 (48 bb)
Marshall – 8,900,000 (89 bb)