Big Decision for Gianluca Bucchino

Feb 6, 2020

Gianluca Bucchino

Igor D’ursel and Gianluca Bucchino are in a pot on the river with Heart 3Spade 8Diamond 5Spade ADiamond 8 on show. There is about 25,000 in the middle and Gianluca has bet 14,300, which D’ursel has check-raised all in for a total of 47,00.

Bucchino is visibly perplexed and shifts around in his seat several times, whilst running through the hand out loud.

Eventually he decides to pass and is still in healthy shape with a little over average, whilst D’ursel has double that.

Igor D’ursel – 90,000
Gianluca Bucchino – 48,000

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