Pat Lyons Doubles Through Kelly Minkin

Mar 1, 2020

Pat Lyons

Hand relayed to by Pat Lyons

WPT Champions Club member Pat Lyons (pictured) raises to 3,500 from middle position and Kelly Minkin calls from the cutoff.

The flop is X KX QX 10, Lyons continues to for 3,500, Minkin raises to 8,000 and Lyons calls.

The turn is a X K and Lyons check-calls 11,000 from Minkin.

The river is a blank, Lyons checks, Minkin bets effectively 36,000-ish and Lyons calls all in with X QX J, besting Minkin’s X 5X 4 to double up.

Down to about 16,000, Minkin busts shortly thereafter.

Pat Lyons – 115,000
Kelly Minkin – Eliminated

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