Jeff Rossiter Eliminated by Hicham Hilmi

Oct 26, 2013

Jeff Rossiter has just fallen by the wayside and it was the WPT National Series winner, Hicham Hilmi that provided the little push. 

Our French colleagues informed us that there was a raise to 525 before Rossiter made it 1,625 to play. Hilmi made the call from position and the original raiser also called.

The flop was T92 (2 x spades), the original raiser checked, Rossiter bet 2,200, Hilmi raised to 4,700, the original raiser folded, Rossiter moved all-in for 18,000 and Hilmi called.

It was pocket nines for middle set for Hilmi and T9 for Rossiter with top two pair. The river made no difference to the outcome of the hand, which was a Rossiter elimination.

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