Got_Steam Eliminated by Chipleader Alex Butcher

Dec 28, 2020

Andrew Benedict (pokasmoka7) min-raises under the gun to 200,000, chipleader and online qualifier Alex Butcher (JinYang) reraises from the hijack to 750,000, and Got_Steam moves all in from the cutoff for about 1.57 million.

Benedict thinks for a while before he folds, and Butcher calls with Diamond QHeart 8. Got_Steam turns over Spade JHeart J, and they need it to hold to stay alive.

The board came Spade 8Club 8Diamond 2Heart 7Spade K, and Butcher flopped trip eights to win the pot and eliminate Got_Steam in 69th place.

Alex Butcher  –  27.92 million  (279 bb)
Got_Steam  –  Eliminated

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