Mar 6, 2021
Photo: Amnon Filippi
Amnon Filippi (pictured) raises from the hijack to 2,600, Richard Pyne reraises from the button to 7,800, and Filippi calls.
The flop comes , Filippi checks, Pyne bets 7,600, and Filippi check-raises to 18,000. Pyne calls.
The turn card is the , Filippi moves all in, and Pyne calls all in for about 55,000 with for a pair of kings. But Filippi turns over for two pair, fours and deuces, and Pyne needs to improve to stay alive.
The river card is the , and Filippi wins the pot with his two pair to eliminate Pyne shortly before registration closes.
Amnon Filippi – 215,000 (179 bb)
Richard Pyne – Eliminated