Jun 2, 2021
The latest increase in blinds has had a big impact on the game. Just 15 minutes ago Daniel Dvoress was down to under 20 big blinds. Now it is Christian Rudolph in his position.
Following the flip shortly after the most recent break, Rudolph doubled Dvoress up. Just now both players were involved in another hand where Rudolph had top pair with on and Dvoress had .
The flop went check-check and then Rudolph opted to lead for three-quarters pot on the turn. After a call from Dvoress and the final card was dealt, Rudolph barreled for 9.6 million into 11.9 million. Dvoress thought about it and called.
Daniel Dvoress – 90,535,084
Christian Rudolph – 37,488,818
Fabiano Kovalski – 84,976,098