Four Eliminations In Round-for-Round; Money Has Been Reached Here In Choctaw

Jul 25, 2021

Chase Bricker
Photo: Chase Bricker is First Elimination

Chase Bricker shoves his remaining stack of around 50,000 and Jason Brin calls, putting him at risk during round-for-round.

Chase Bricker: Spade AClub A
Jason Brin: Heart 7Diamond 7

“Well, I guess it is time to bubble,” says Bricker.

The dealer spreads out Diamond JClub 7Spade 6, hitting Brin with a set of sevens and Bricker stands up. The Club 2Heart J runout changes not a thing and Bricker is eliminated with his aces.

Jason Brin – 315,000
Chase Bricker – 0

AJ Allee

Photo: A.J. Allee is Second Elimination

A.J. Allee has all of his short-stack in the middle versus Mason Vieth, and the board shows Spade 10Spade 8Club 2Diamond 4Spade 3. Allee has Diamond 9Diamond 7 face-up, for not much and Vieth is showing Heart 10Club 10, giving him the top set and Allee is sent to the rail.

Mason Vieth – 770,000
A.J. Allee – 0

Sebastian de Jonge

Photo: Sebastion de Jonge is Third Elimination

As told by the table, Kenneth McKeown opens and Sebastian de Jonge three-bets. McKeown call to see the king-high flop, both players check the flop and Jonge check-calls the turn.

McKeown jams the brick river card and Jonge calls, tabling a pair of queens. McKeown turns over ace-king for a flopped king, adding another monster pot to his stack and Jonge is knocked out in the process.

Mo Arani

Photo: Mo Arani is Fourth Elimination

The board shows Spade QHeart 9Heart 8Club ADiamond 8, with a pot around 60,000 in the middle of the table. Brian Altman pushes in enough chips to cover Mo Arani who instantly throws in a stack of his time chips.

In the end, Arani calls his tournament life in for his last 65,000, and Altman tables the bad news, showing Spade JClub 10 for the nut straight. Arani mucks his hand and takes a walk to the payout desk.


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