Hands #177-179: Jeremy Joseph Wins With a Full House

Apr 4, 2023

Heads Up Jeremy Joseph
Photo:  Jeremy Joseph

HAND #177  –  Jeremy Joseph limps for 500,000, and Scott Eskenazi checks his option. The flop comes Club ASpade 4Club 2, Eskenazi checks, Joseph bets 500,000, and Eskenazi folds. Jeremy Joseph takes the pot.

HAND #178  –  Scott Eskenazi limps for 500,000, Jeremy Joseph raises to 1,600,000, and Eskenazi folds. Joseph takes the pot.

HAND #179  –  Jeremy Joseph limps for 500,000, and Scott Eskenazi checks his option. Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart JDiamond 2Club 2Heart A, Eskenazi bets 500,000, and Joseph calls.

The river card is the Spade A, Eskenazi bets 1,200,000, and Joseph calls. Eskenazi shows Diamond JClub 5 for two pair, aces and jacks, but Joseph turns over Heart 7Heart 2 to win the pot with a full house, deuces full of aces.

Scott Eskenazi  –  18,000,000
Jeremy Joseph  –  11,400,000

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