Kaushik Jain Doubles Through Romit Advani

Apr 13, 2023

Romit Advani raises to 20,000 on the button and a short-stacked Kaushik Jain calls in the big blind, leaving himself just 39,000 behind.

On the Diamond 9Spade JClub 8 flop, Jain jams and Advani calls to put him at risk.

Kaushik Jain: Heart QHeart 9
Romit Advani: Club ADiamond 10

Jain’s pair was ahead of Advani’s overs and open-ended straight draw, and neither the Spade 2 turn nor the Club 9 river could hit Advani as Jain doubles up with trip nines.


Romit Advani – 480,000
Kaushik Jain – 120,000


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