Pratibh Saluja's Hand Gets Better and Better

Apr 14, 2023

S21 WPT Prime India PHOTO: Pratibh Saluja

Manoj Adlakha raises to 1,500 in middle position and gets called by the hijack, cutoff and Pratibh Saluja in the big blind.

The flop comes Spade ASpade 10Club 4 and Saluja checks. Adlakha continuation bets 3,200 getting calls from the hijack and cutoff, before Saluja comes over top for 17,000, leaving himself just 8,400 behind.

Adlakha makes the call, but the hijack and cutoff fold.

On the Diamond 7 turn, Saluja moves his last 8,400 in and gets called by Adlakha.

Pratibh Saluja: Spade 7Spade 4
Manoj Adlakha: Spade KSpade 9

Saluja’s two pair are ahead, but Adlaka has the superior flush draw. He can’t get there though as the Club A falls on the river to send a meaty pot to Saluja.


Pratibh Saluja – 64,000
Manoj Adlakha – 23,900

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