Maurizio Coppola Starts to Spin Up a Stack

Aug 3, 2023

Maurizio Coppola moves his final chips into the middle for a total of roughly 6,500 and only receives one caller, setting up a runout.

Coppola turns over Club QClub 9 and is up against Spade ASpade K. The dealer spreads Club JDiamond 8Diamond 2Heart 10Spade 8 and Coppola pulls in his first double with a turned straight.

Just a few hands later, Coppola shoves 15,600 and just one opponent gives him action, putting Coppola at risk once more as the cards fly.

Coppola shows Heart KDiamond 7 and is facing Heart AHeart 10. The board falls Spade QClub 7Spade 2Heart 7Spade 3, shipping another double to Coppola in the span of just a few hands.

Maurizio Coppola – 33,000 (41 bb)

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