Two Players Exit to Burst Bubble in Day 1B

Nov 30, 2023

Daniel Heimiller moves all in preflop and the action is on the big blind player who is in the tank.

After a good bit of head shaking, the player makes the call to put himself at risk and tables Diamond AClub K versus Heimiller’s Club QHeart 9

Unfortunately for the at-risk player, the board runs out Diamond JHeart JSpade 2Spade 6Heart Q to give Heimiller a queen on the river to send him out. 

Meanwhile, at another table, Mordechai Shevach and another player get it all in preflop with Shevach covering.

Mordechai Shevach – 633,000 (79 bb)
Daniel Heimiller – 166,000 (21 bb)

Shevach is holding Club QHeart J while the at-risk player has Diamond 5Club 5. The board runs out Club ASpade JDiamond 8Heart QHeart 7 to give Shevach two-pair and he is awarded the pot while the other player exits on the bubble. 

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