Ondrej Goetz Quadruples Through Same Player

Dec 17, 2023

After some preflop back-and-forth, Ondrej Goetz and another player get it all in preflop, with Goetz at risk. 

Goetz flips over Club AClub 10 while his opponent tables an inferior Heart KHeart 10

The board runs out Club 7Spade 2Diamond QHeart 3Spade 8 for Goetz’s ace-high to win and he is awarded the pot for a double. 

On the very next hand, Goetz moves all in again, this time for over 800,000, and again the same opponent makes the call to put him at risk once more. 

Goetz flips over Heart 6Spade 6 but this time he is in second place as he is up against Spade 7Club 7

But that does not matter once the flop comes out Diamond 6Diamond 8Spade 2 to give him a set of sixes for a big lead. 

The turn Club 5 gives the opposing player some hope as he picks up a straight draw, but the river falls the Club A Goetz is awarded the huge pot for yet another double. 

Ondrej Goetz – 1,750,000 (44 bb)

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