Mar 17, 2024
Heads-up on a flop of , Alberto Stegeman bets 10,000 from the hijack before Dim Slagmolen raises enough to put Stegeman all in from the big blind. Stegeman then goes into the tank for a few minutes.
Another player at the table eventually calls the clock as he and Stegeman began arguing, Stegeman insisting he hadn’t been given enough time. He decides to call for his last 40,000.
Alberto Stegeman:
Dim Slagmolen:
Slagmolen is ahead with top pair as the turn comes . The river is the and Stegeman makes two pair to find a fortunate double up.
“Now you can say thank you,” Stegeman’s table nemesis says to him.
“It wasn’t because of the clock,” Stegeman replies.
“It helps for someone like you who plays all the high rollers, EPTs, whatever you play,” his tablemate adds.
“It’s because I work in television that I play those. It’s not because I’m a good player,” Stegeman says.
Alberto Stegeman- 90,000 (36 bb)
Dim Slagmolen- 100,000 (40 bb)