Hands #74-76: Gregory De Faria Opens Up a 2-to-1 Lead Over Trent Hopper

Apr 4, 2024

Gregory De Faria
Photo:  Gregory De Faria

HAND #74  –  Trent Hopper raises to 600,000, and Gregory De Faria calls. Both players check to the turn on a board of Club JHeart 10Diamond 4Spade 3, De Faria bets 900,000, and Hopper folds. De Faria takes the pot.

HAND #75  –  Gregory De Faria limps for 300,000, Trent Hopper raises to 1,100,000, and De Faria calls. The flop comes Diamond 9Heart 8Diamond 5, Hopper bets 700,000, and De Faria calls. The turn card is the Diamond K, Hopper checks, De Faria bets 1,300,000, and Hopper check-raises to 4,000,000. De Faria uses a Time Chip to tank for a while before he calls.

The river card is the Spade K, and both players check. Hopper shows Heart 7Diamond 7, but De Faria turns over Diamond 10Diamond 6 to win the pot with a diamond flush.

Gregory De Faria  –  26,100,000  (87 bb)
Trent Hopper  –  12,600,000  (42 bb)

HAND #76  –  Trent Hopper limps for 300,000, and Gregory De Faria checks his option. Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart KHeart 10Diamond 6Spade 3, De Faria bets 600,000, and Hopper calls. The river card is the Spade 10, De Faria checks, Hopper bets 1,000,000, and De Faria calls with Heart 6Diamond 3 for two pair, tens and sixes. Hopper mucks, and De Faria takes the pot.

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