Hands #77-78: Trent Hopper Doubles Thru Gregory De Faria

Apr 4, 2024

Trent Hopper
Photo:  Trent Hopper

HAND #77  –  Gregory De Faria limps for 400,000, and Trent Hopper checks his option. The flop comes Spade QDiamond 10Spade 3, Hopper checks, De Faria bets 450,000, and Hopper folds. De Faria takes the pot.

HAND #78  –  Trent Hopper moves all in for 8,850,000, and Gregory De Faria calls with Diamond AHeart 10.

Hopper turns over Heart 7Diamond 7, and he needs it to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond KHeart 8Heart 5Club JHeart 9, and De Faria turns a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Hopper wins the pot with his pocket sevens to double up in chips.

Trent Hopper  –  18,100,000  (45 bb)
Gregory De Faria  –  20,600,000  (52 bb)

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