May 5, 2024
On a heads-up completed board of , the pot is already bloated to over 200,000 when Mike Liang fired another 160,000 into it and Tomas Teran is deep in the tank.
“Can someone call the clock on me, please?” he finally asks the table.
“You can call it on yourself,” the table responds collectively, and sure enough, Teran calls the clock on himself and is given a 30-second countdown.
As his timer reaches zero, he announces a fold and the big pot is shipped over to Liang.
“I folded top-two,” Teran admits, which got some reactions from the table, neither positive nor negative, but Liang still doesn’t give away any hints as he stacks his new chips.
Mike Liang – 655,000 (109 bb)
Tomas Teran – 500,000 (83 bb)