Anas Slaoui Outkicks Jasdeep Sandal

May 15, 2024

On a heads-up turn of Spade QDiamond 4Heart 7Spade 9, there is already close to 35,000 in the middle when Anas Slaoui fires for 14,000 and is called by Jasdeep Sandal. 

On the river Spade 4, Slaoui decides to check and Sandal quickly checks back, showing Diamond QHeart 10 for queens and fours. However, Slaoii then rolls over Heart AClub Q for queens and fours, ace-kicker to take down the sizeable pot. 

Anas Slaoui – 86,000 (86 bb)
Jasdeep Sandal – 50,000 (50 bb)


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