Patrick St -Onge Eliminated in 12th Place by Marc Lavergne

May 17, 2024

Patrick St-Onge

On a heads-up flop of Club 3Heart 9Diamond 7, Patrick St -Onge checks to Marc Lavergne who moves all in to cover, and St-Onge goes into the tank. 

After a lot of shrugging and head-shaking, St-Onge eventually puts his chips into the middle to put himself at risk. 

St-Onge then tables Heart QDiamond 7 for a pair of sevens but Lavergne has him beat with a superior pair with Heart ADiamond 9

The turn Spade A leaves St-Onge drawing only to a seven to win, but the river was the brick Spade 4 to send him out in 12th.

Marc Lavergne – 3,700,000 (37 bb)
Patrick St- Onge – Eliminated in 12th place ($15,500)

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