David Diaz Represents a Flush w/ Straight on the Board

Apr 29, 2013

David Diaz min-raises from the cutoff to 32,000, Michael Linster reraises from the small blind to 83,000, and Diaz calls.

The flop comes [Jc10d9c], Linster checks, Diaz bets 70,000, and Linster calls. The turn is the [Qs], Linster checks, Diaz bets 140,000, and Linster calls.

The river is the [8c], which puts a queen-high straight on the board with three clubs showing. Linster checks, and Diaz bets 440,000. Linster tanks for a while before he folds, and David Diaz takes the pot.

David Diaz  –  1,610,000  (100 bb)
Michael Linster  –  1,790,000  (111 bb)

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