Marc Sen Takes a Pot Worth 2,875,000 Against Caroline Schallock

Sep 8, 2024

Caroline Schallock raises from middle position to 250,000, Marc Sen reraises from the hijack to 550,000, and Schallock calls.

The flop comes Diamond 10Heart 5Heart 4, Schallock checks, Sen bets 725,000, and Schallock thinks for a while before she calls.

The turn card pairs the board with the Spade 4, and both players check.

The river card is the Heart 3, Schallock checks, and Sen moves all in for 1,925,000. Schallock waits for an exact count and uses a Time Chip to tank for nearly a minute before she folds. Sen takes the pot worth 2,875,000.

Marc Sen  –  4,800,000  (38 bb)
Caroline Schallock  –  2,275,000  (18 bb)

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