Zak Vankeuren Eliminated by Felix Martel-Racine

Oct 28, 2024

Photo: Felix Martel-Racine

Around 300,000 is in the middle as Zak Vankeuren and Felix Martel-Racine go heads-up to the turn on a board of Diamond 2Spade 3Heart 8Spade 7. Vankeuren then bets 210,000 from the hijack.

Martel-Racine uses a few of his time banks before moving all in. “Set is good,” Vankeuren says as he calls for his last 610,000, showing Spade 10Heart 10. Martel-Racine has Club QDiamond 8 for a pair of eights, but the Spade Q falls on the river to improve him to two pair.

Martel-Racine shoots out of his seat so forcefully that he spills a drink on the floor and hits his masseuse in the wrist. “For breaking your wrist, charge him double,” tablemate Azim Popatia jokes.

“Sorry kid,” Yasin Ahmady consoles Vankeuren.

“It is what it is,” Vankeuren replies as Martel-Racine comes over to shake his hand before Vankeuren heads for the exit.

Felix Martel-Racine- 2,000,000 (80 bb)
Zak Vankeuren- eliminated

Photo: Zak Vankeuren

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