Dylan Smith and Pablo Beltran De Heredia Garcia Trade Double Ups

Dec 13, 2024

Pablo Beltran De Heredia Garcia and Dylan Smith clash with the same setup hand as one table over just minutes prior.

Dylan Smith: Club KHeart K.
Pablo Beltran De Heredia Garcia: Club QDiamond Q

The kings stay ahead on the Spade 8Club 6Heart 2Spade 9Diamond 4 board and the Spaniard is left short.

He then raises to 600,000 with 325,000 behind, Smith reraises to 2,000,000 and Beltran calls all-in.

Pablo Beltran De Heredia Garcia: Club KSpade 3.
Dylan Smith: Diamond ASpade 10

The Spaniard is saved by a king on the Diamond 7Club 6Diamond 2Diamond KSpade 7 runout to stay in contention.

Pablo Beltran De Heredia Garcia – 2,600,000 (9 bb)
Dylan Smith – 10,925,000 (36 bb)

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