Christopher Dowling Shoves the Worst River for William Lamar-Boone

Dec 16, 2024

On a heads-up completed board of Diamond 8Heart 4Heart 8Club 3Heart 3, there is already 80,000 in the middle when Christopher Dowling moves all in, covering William ‘Lambo’ Lamar-Boone.

“Gah, that’s the absolute worst river,” he sighs, shaking his head. 

After over two minutes in the tank, he finally calls the clock on himself and is given a 30-second countdown. Ass his clock reaches zero, he slides his cards to the dealer, admitting he had the nut flush as he watches the pot being pushed over to Dowling. 

Christopher Dowling – 168,000
William Lamar-Boone – 43,000

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