Dec 8, 2011
After a flop of [QhJc4s], Soi Nguyen bets from middle position, and Alan Goehring calls from the cutoff.
The turn card is the [Ks], Nguyen checks, Goehring bets 75,000, and Nguyen moves all in. Goehring folds, and Nguyen takes the pot.
David Williams says, "Show a card that’s not on the board." Nguyen says, "I don’t have a card that’s not on the board." Nguyen shows anyway, and turns over [QcQs] for top set.
David Williams says, "Must be nice to flop top set all the time."
The next hand, while Nguyen was still stacking chips, he got involved in another pot against Nicolas Fraioli on a board of K-J-5. Fraioli folded, and Nguyen showed [JdJh] — good for middle set.
Soi Nguyen – 690,000 (172 BBs)