Mar 7, 2012
Photo: See that empty seat behind the chips? That seat belongs to David Williams. But as soon as he saw the flop, he left the table, and by the time the river card arrived he was completely out of sight. Shannon Shorr (top right) takes it all in stride.
Shooting Star David Williams gets it all-in preflop for his last 25,000 or so holding [8d8h] to Kevin McGowan’s [Ac10c].
The [KcJc10h] doesn’t leave Williams much hope, as it gives McGowan a pair of tens, the nut flush draw, and a gutshot royal flush draw. Williams grabs his bag, gets out of his seat, and heads fr the door, only turning back long enough to see the [9c] come on the turn, leaving him drawing dead.
Williams is long gone by the time the [4c] comes on the river, which leaves McGowan wondering if the Shooting Star is going to pose for a picture and sign his bounty t-shirt. Williams does return a couple of minutes later to bid McGowan and the table farewell.
Kevin McGowan – 60,000
David Williams – Eliminated