Dec 15, 2011
(Photo: Magda Barczak)
We catch the action on an all-spade flop of [Ts] [7s] [6s] and Heinz Kamutzki has check-raised to 56,500 over a 13,000 bet by Magda Barczak (we believe the pre flop action was a raise under the gun from Kamutzki, a three-bet by Barczak and a call by Kamutzki).
Barczak has a very long, hard think about it before eventually moving all-in and Kamutzki calls. The hands were as you would expect.
Kamutzki: [Qs] [Js]
Barczak: [As] [Kd]
The turn was [4h] and the river [Kh] and Barczak was out. Kamutzki now has a rather tasty 145,000 chips.