Sep 21, 2010
Ali Eslami raises to 13,000 in middle position and Olivier Busquet reraises to 31,000 behind him. Will Souther is on the button and moves all-in for his last 37,000. Eslami then pushes all of his chips, save for the one 500 chip capping his cards, into the middle. He has around 160,000.
Busquet takes a minute before calling and starts to turn over his [AsKd].
"Wait," Eslami says. "I still have chips behind." He lifts his hand showing his lone remaining chip and Busquet turns his cards back over. The flop falls [Ts4c2s] and Eslami checks. Busquet bets 500 and Eslami takes a moment before calling with his [QcQs].
Souther shows [KcKh], which means Busquet will need to hit one of the three remaining aces in the deck to knock out both players. The turn is the [2h] and the river is the [3c], giving Souther the triple up and Eslami the double up.
Will Souther – 130,000
Ali Eslami – 230,000
Olivier Busquet – 690,000