Aug 24, 2009
After a flop of [10s5d4h], Toto Leonidas checks under the gun, Thuy Doan bets 18,000 from the cutoff, and Toto thinks for a moment before he calls. The turn card is the [9d], Toto bets 20,000, and Thuy moves all in. Toto quickly calls with [10c10h] for the nuts — top set.
Thuy doesn’t even want to show her cards, because she’s drawing dead. But the dealer forces her to flip over her [AhQh]. The meaningless river card is the [Ac], but a pair of aces is no good here. Toto Leonidas wins the pot with his set of tens.
Toto Leonidas – 550,000
Thuy Doan – eliminated in 35th place