Aug 25, 2009
Stan Jablonski raises under the gun to 88,000, leaving himself just 17,000 behind. Vigen Manukyan tanks from early position, and while he’s thinking, Jablonski says something along the lines of, "No matter what you’re going to do, take your time. I’d like to move up in the chip counts." (The other table has a huge three-way all-in pot developing, and there is a jump in the prizepool between 16th and 15th places.)
Manukyan reraises to 200,000, and everyone else folds. Jablonski tanks unnecessarily with only 17,000 behind. At that point, Prahlad Friedman calls foul, saying that type of stalling isn’t allowed and calls for a clock. The TD came over, and explained that since the hands were in progress at the same time, any players eliminated would have their order determined by chip counts at the start of the hand.
At that point, Jablonski calls all in with [QcQs], and Manukyan shows [AsKs] — it’s a race situation. The board comes [Jd8d3c2h8c], and Jablonski’s pocket queens hold up to win the pot.
Stan Jablonski – 230,000
Vigen Manukyan – 510,000