Wai Kit Ngai Finds Aces and Scores a Knockout to Take the Chip Lead

Oct 26, 2019

Brad Dumont raises to 8,000 from early position and Wai Kit Ngai calls in the cutoff. From the big blind, Vivo L moves all in for 79,500. Dumont iso-shoves over the top, and Ngai snap-calls for his 142,800 in chips.

Vivo L: Heart KDiamond J
Dumont: Heart AClub K
Ngai: Diamond AClub A

The board runs out Diamond 2Heart 9Club 6Heart JDiamond 4 and Vivo L is eliminated as Ngai scores more then a double into the chip lead.

Wai Kit Ngai – 369,000
Brad Dumont – 170,000
Vivo L – Eliminated

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