A Blow to Arneodo

Nov 25, 2011

Julien Arneodo raises to 3,600 from late position and there is a cold caller on the button. Jessy Marillaud is sat behind his cap in the big blind, and he squeezes for 10,200 total. Arneodo doesn’t mess around and instead dumps around 80,000 into the pot (a bet sizing that was enough to put both players at risk). The cold caller tank-folds but the original three-bettor makes the call and we have a showdown.

Marillaud – [Kd] [Kh]
Arneodo – [Ah] [Ks]

Board – [Ts] [6h] [5s] [6c] [5c]

Marillaud doubles up to 165,000 and Arneodo is chopped back down to 80,000

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