Ace-High Good For Senchylo Zuev

Aug 25, 2024

Senchylo Zuev opens to 60,000 in middle position and Kurtulus Izgu defends his big blind.

The Diamond 8Diamond 6Heart 5 flop is checked through. On the Spade 6 turn, Izgu leads out with a bet of 65,000, and Zuev calls.

The Heart Q river completes the board, and both players check. Izgu says “I have nothing” and shows Club KSpade 3 for king-high, while Zuev shows Spade ASpade 9 for ace-high, which is good enough for the pot.

Senchylo Zuev – 1,800,000 (60 bb)
Kurtulus IzguĀ  – 575,000 (19 bb)


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