Alfie Poetra Flushes Yakiv Syzghanov; Fred Normand Folds a Monster

Dec 19, 2024

After an open by Yakiv Syzghanov and calls by Alfie Poetra and Fred Normand, the three players go to a flop of Diamond 10Diamond 9Diamond 5

Normand and Syzghanov check to Poetra, who bets 10,000, but then Normand check-raises to 36,000. 

This is then followed by an all in from Syzghanov and Poetra quickly follows suit to cover both players. The action is now back to Normand who has a difficult decision to make. 

“I really don’t know what to do here,” he finally admits and tosses his hand into the muck. “I just folded a jack-high flush,” he says, shaking his head. 

Syzghanov then tables Diamond KHeart K while Poetra has the best of it with Diamond QDiamond 8, putting Normand’s mind at ease. 

The runout of Heart 7Heart J bricks out for Syzghanov and he is sent to the rail while Poetra rakes in the massive pot. 

Alfie Poetra – 401,000 (100 bb)
Fred Normand – 110,000 (28 bb)
Yakiv Syzghanov – Eliminated

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