Andrew Lichtenberger Gets There on River Against Ben Jacobs

Dec 20, 2023

Andrew Lichtenberger-3Photo: Andrew Lichtenberger

On a flop of Heart JDiamond 6Heart 2Spade J Ben Jacobs bets 600,000 with Heart 6Club 7 but then Andrew Lichtenberger raises to 1,800,000 with Heart 4Diamond 3.

Jacobs makes the call and the two go to the turn Spade J. Jacobs checks to Lichtenberger who continues for 3,600,000 and Jacobs makes the call. 

The river brings in the miracle Club 5 to give Lichtenberger the six-high straight, and when Jacobs checks to him, he fires for 7,200,000. Jacobs then goes into the tank as he counts his chips, and after using a time bank, he makes the call but is then shown the bad news by Lichtenberger and he mucks his hand. 

Andrew Lichtenberger – 34,500,000 (43 bb)
Ben Jacobs – 26,800,000 (34 bb)

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