Feb 10, 2017
As Champions Club member Anthony Zinno (pictured) and tablemates tell it, Max Silver raised to 1,300 preflop, a player in late position called, and Zinno made it 4,800 to play on the button. Silver four-bet to 12,800, the third player in the hand folded, and Zinno called.
The flop came and Silver bet 6,600. Zinno called. The turn was the and both players checked.
The river brought the . Silver checked again, then Zinno bet 16,000.
Silver struggled over the decision for a couple of minutes. “I should’ve jammed river,” he said to himself. Silver pump-faked chips into the pot a couple of times, recoiling back like he had touched something hot.
Eventually, Silver dropped in chips and Zinno showed him for a set of aces.
Anthony Zinno – 102,000 (170 bb)