Anthony Zinno Over 100,000

Feb 10, 2017

Anthony Zinno

As Champions Club member Anthony Zinno (pictured) and tablemates tell it, Max Silver raised to 1,300 preflop, a player in late position called, and Zinno made it 4,800 to play on the button. Silver four-bet to 12,800, the third player in the hand folded, and Zinno called.

The flop came Heart KSpade 6Spade 2 and Silver bet 6,600. Zinno called. The turn was the Diamond 4 and both players checked.

The river brought the Heart A. Silver checked again, then Zinno bet 16,000.

Silver struggled over the decision for a couple of minutes. “I should’ve jammed river,” he said to himself. Silver pump-faked chips into the pot a couple of times, recoiling back like he had touched something hot.

Eventually, Silver dropped in chips and Zinno showed him Club ADiamond A for a set of aces.

Anthony Zinno – 102,000 (170 bb)

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