Antonio Alvarado Spars With Ziao Guo

Dec 16, 2024

Antonio Alvarado raises to 2,500 in the hijack and in the cutoff Ziao Guo raises to 9,000 which Alvarado calls. 

The flop rolls out Spade 10Heart 5Heart 4 and Alvarado checks over to Guo who bets 15,000. Alvarado raises to 36,100 and Guo calls. 

On the turn Spade 7, Alvarado moves all in for 122,000 and Guo thinks about his decision for a couple of minutes before letting his hand go. 

Alvarado shows a Diamond 4 as he rakes in the pot. 

Antonio Alvarado – 193,000 (160 bb)
Ziao Guo – 181,000 (150 bb)

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