Oct 23, 2024
Arnaud Peyroles
Paul Le Gal raises to 2,500 from under the gun and receives four callers in Mikael Guenni, Mercedes Osti, Arnaud Peyroles and Miroslav Alilovic.
The flop is checked to Le Gal and he jams for the last 14,100. Guenni folds, Osti asks for a count and folds, Peyroles jams, Alilovic then also folds.
Le Gal’s are up against and get flushed on the runout.
Arnaud Peyroles – 75,000 (75 bb)
Mercedes Osti – 80,000 (80 bb)
Mikael Guenni – 55,000 (55 bb)
Miroslav Alilovic – 43,000 (43 bb)
Paul Le Gal – Eliminated