Nov 18, 2013
Andrew Whitaker opens for 25,000, then Billy Swaringen reraises to 60,000 from a couple of seats over and the table folds around. Whitaker pauses for just a moment, then pulls back his original bet and sets out around 130,000 for another reraise, at which Swaringen says he’s all in and Whitaker immediately calls.
Swaringen tables his [Ah][Ad] and Whitaker says "king ball" as he turns over [Ks][Kh]. The dealer then promptly delivers upon Whitaker’s request when the first three community cards come [Kd][10c][5d] to give him a set. The turn is the [4c] and river the [3s], and Swaringen is out.
The remaining 18 players are now redrawing for seats around the final two tables.
Andrew Whitaker – 970,000
Billy Swaringen – Eliminated