Brian Hastings Eliminates Jay Kerbel

Dec 8, 2023

2-7 Triple Draw

Brian Hastings raises under-the-gun and Jay Kerbel commits his final chips for less to Hastings’ immediate left. On the opposite side of the dealer, Ari Engel calls Hastings’ raise from the big blind.

Each player draws two cards and Engel and Hastings check. The trio again takes two each on the second draw, but after another check from Engel, Hastings bets, which gets a quick fold from Engel.

Hastings pats his hand while Kerbel still needs two cards. Hastings shows X 9X 8X 5X 3X 2 and Kerbel rolls over his first new card which is a ten, leaving him drawing dead to Hastings’ nine-eight, eliminating him from the tournament.

Brian Hastings – 145,000
Ari Engel – 70,000
Jay Kerbel – eliminated 

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