Carter Swidler Doubles Thru Zachary Donovan

Nov 13, 2017

Carter Swidler

Zachary Donovan raises UTG+1 to 18,000, Carter Swidler (pictured) reraises from the button to 100,000 (leaving himself just 15,000 behind), and Donovan uses one of his Time Chips to tank for nearly a minute before he moves all in.

Swidler calls all in for 115,000 with Diamond QClub Q, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Donovan’s Club KClub J.

The board comes Diamond 10Club 4Heart 3Diamond 6Diamond 5, and the pocket queens hold up for Swidler to win the pot and double up in chips.

Carter Swidler  –  250,000  (31 bb)
Zachary Donovan  –  420,000  (53 bb)

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