May 5, 2024
On a heads-up flop of , the pot already has close to 250,000 in it when Chino Rheem checks it over to Even Hu who just ships it in for 369,000.
Rheem mulls it over for only a couple of seconds before he sets out a stack of chips to make the call.
Hu tables for two overs but Rheem has him currently beat with for top pair.
The runout of fails to help Hu and he is eliminated while Rheem rakes in the pot.
“Those are the Asian aces, huh?” tablemate Adam Hendrix laughs.
“I mean, when you pay a lot of money to make top pair, you gotta go with it or die with it, right?” Rheem replies as he rockets to the top of the chip counts.
Chino Rheem – 1,650,000 (138 bb)
Evan Hu – Eliminated